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Meet the authors.


Courtney Thomas studied the animal intestinal microbiome at Institut Pasteur where she obtained her PhD. She previously attended Northwest Missouri State University where she studied marine biology, and went on to obtain a Master’s of Science in marine science at the University of Georgia in Athens. During her Masters she studied the exchange of metabolites between bacteria and unicellular algae. As a writer and co-founder of Pretty Light Science she hopes to communicate relevant scientific literature to broader audiences by highlighting important topics.


Alexey Vorobev is a classically trained microbial ecologist and microbiome researcher with extensive computational experience. His current professional interests include scientific writing, data analysis, and content marketing. In his nearly 15 years of experience as a researcher, he had the privilege of working in a variety of roles—from project manager to scientific content writer—with diverse, cross functional teams in a wide range of life science disciplines. He co-founded Pretty Light Science to reach those interested in science but too busy to read lengthy research articles. He likes to argue (politely) and fact check everything (thoroughly).

How does Pretty Light Science work?

Science can be complicated and overwhelming, sometimes unnecessarily so. Pretty Light Science is a platform with the goal of delivering scientific news and accomplishments in a way that is pretty (as in enjoyable to read) and light (as in easy to understand).

We want to communicate modern scientific ideas and trends to people from different backgrounds and with different interests. Whether you are a high school student, a stay at home parent, an artist, a baker, a lawyer, or a fellow scientist, we want you to find something useful on Pretty Light Science. 

We want to inspire people to think critically and fact check information available in mass media and online. We want you to think critically about what we have to say too and we hope to encourage an open discourse around the science we write about.


We are not experts in all things science. We try to fact check all our statements as much as we can. Mistakes happen, if you find any, please let us know.

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